heading 1 = most important heading

heading 2 = 2nd most important heading

heading 3 =3rd most important heading

heading 4 =4th most important heading

heading 5 =5th most important heading
heading 6 =least important heading

most important = the biggest - least important = the smallest

link thing

p = paragraph

div groups elements together (not visible on the site)

br inserts a line break, you can use it so you don't have to make several paragraphs

example of a br:
Hello there
(used a br element for this)

hr tag makes the line called "horizontal rule" it's used to separate stuff on the page

OMG ITS YAYKO!!!!!!!!! WHOOPIE I LOVE HER!!!!!!! :3 ^_^!!!!

img = image - src = source || pairing those 2 up to show an image

blockquote element

you sometimes don't have to make a style element for styling the text

placeholder is the text in the label that disappears when we start writting

some css styling you can use for styling


